Rainbow Room?

Date: 24th Jan 2022 @ 11:31am

Mrs Doyle took some of the Year 2 children into the newly refurbished rainbow room today. The children loved it and had lots of fun. A huge thank you to Miss George and Mrs Thomas for spending time in their holidays sorting it out!

Reception class enjoyed being in the rainbow room today. We enjoyed all the different rooms and all the exciting resources.

You're never too old to enjoy spending time in the rainbow room ?

This week Year 1 have been enjoying some time in the rainbow room?. The rainbow room is particularly good opportunity to teach children skills such as communication, sharing?, turn taking and working together. ?

Get in touch

Our Lady's RC Primary School

Whalley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8AW

Head of School Anna Ward and Executive Head Catherine Gordon

0161 226 2767admin@ourladys-pri.manchester.sch.uk

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