The school has a compulsory school uniform policy for all the children in the school.
Our uniform consists of:
- White or pale blue polo shirt
- Dark grey or black trousers or skirt
- School blue sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper
- School blue fleece jacket (Optional)
- Plain black shoes or trainers
- Tie (Year 6 children only)
Summer Uniform can also include:
- Blue and white checked dress
- Dark grey or black shorts
The sweatshirts and cardigans are available from school, as well as school fleeces (optional). They are royal blue with the school badge embroidered on them in white.
Dress for P.E.
PE kits can be bought from the school. This consists of a white t-shirt embroidered with the school logo in royal blue, blue shorts and a PE bag. Parents should equip their child with pumps for P.E. and games lessons. For outdoor games sessions in the winter it is recommended that tracksuit bottoms or similar and a warm top are used. Studs on football boots are not permitted. The P.E. kit should be sent to school in a P.E. bag clearly marked with the child’s name. The P.E. kit will be sent home periodically for washing.
Jewellery and Hair Accessories
On grounds of health and safety we do not allow children to wear jewellery in our school. The exception to this rule is ear-ring studs in pierced ears. We ask children to remove these during PE and games or to cover them with a plaster. Hair accessories should be simple and practical and, where possible, be in line with school colours e.g. royal blue, black or white.