Year 3 2024 - 2025
Do you want to see more of what we are doing in our class and in school. Have a look at our facebook and Instagram pages!
Welcome to Year 3
We do hope you have had an enjoyable summer holiday. It is a pleasure for me to introduce myself alongside Miss Johnson as your child’s new teaching team in Year 3. We have an exciting programme of study with lots of activities we know your children will enjoy!
Autumn Term 1
English: Short Biography, Letter writing/Recount. Black History_Poetry
Maths: Place value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
Science: Nutrition, Human Body (Skeletons and Muscles)
R.E Family, Domestic church
Topic: Settlements Location knowledge and Human Geography
Music: Rhythmic patterns, Ukele
Art & Design: Sculpture and 3D – Abstract shape and Space
P.E: CITY sessions/Fundamentals Running, Balancing, Jumping and hopping
RSE: Emotional Well-being/Life cycles
Spanish: All about me
To ensure the best quality of teaching and learning for your child, we will be encouraging everyone to read daily. Children will be asked to bring their reading book in each day and they will be supported to read independently, as a group, to the whole class and to you at home, as we know this has a huge impact on their confidence and their verbal and written language skills. We know you will support us when possible and reading for just a short while with your child in the evenings can make a huge difference to their progress throughout the year.
With regards to study time outside of school, children will receive their homework and spellings on Fridays. Homework will be returned to school on the following Wednesday and spelling tests will be given on the following Fridays.
In Year 3, we will enjoy CITY this half term which will be on Wednesdays after lunch alongside our P.E lesson on Fridays after break. Children are able to come to school wearing their P.E uniforms on those days. Please ensure your child’s P.E uniform complies with our policy as outlined on our website.
We will do our upmost to ensure your child has the most enjoyable and successful time in Year 3 and we look forward to working closely with you.
These websites will help us with our work throughout the year.
Computer Circus
Mewan - Primary Place
Tutpup - Maths games
Water Safety
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
BBC Skillswise - Numbers
BBC Skillswise - Words
BBC Schools - Primary
BBC Bitesize (KS2)
Woodlands Junior School Resources
Primary Games
Count on
Visual Fractions
Primary Homework Help
Snaith Primary School
Primary Safe Search