Year 5: Blog items

Retrofuturism in year 5, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Unforgettable Science lesson, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Cooking Club, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Physical Activities in year 5, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Winter Wonderland, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Christmas Jumper day in y5, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Christmas Disco part 3, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Carol concert at St Ambrose Church, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Christmas Disco, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Reading buddies session, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Our Athletics Team, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Cross country, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

PGL trip, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Earth and space, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Longitude in time zones, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

KS2 disco, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

KS2 Christmas dinner, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Black History Month, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Different phases of the moon, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

What does community actually mean, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Member of Parliament in our school, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Bottle top art, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

School choir at the Cathedral, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

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Our Lady's RC Primary School

Whalley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8AW

Head of School Anna Ward and Executive Head Catherine Gordon

0161 226

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