Reception 2024 - 2025
Do you want to see more of what we are doing in our class and in school. Have a look at our facebook and Instagram pages!
A huge warm welcome to you all to Reception class!
This year, Reception will have Miss Liptrot as their teacher and we have Miss Kelly and Miss Nowak with us as well. We are so excited for the year we are going to have!
Your child will learn so much and contribute to the learning and social development of the whole class. They will be very busy every day, working through the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, learning through play, and through our termly topics.
The areas of learning in the EYFS are:
• Personal, Social and Emotional
• Communication and Language
• Physical Development
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the World
• Expressive Arts and Design
We will provide an environment to ensure every child makes progress in each of these areas. We will ensure each child is happy, keen to learn, and plays well with others. Our class is a positive environment where respect for all and inclusivity are top priority. We look forward to having a wonderful year, filled with learning and laughter.
The importance of reading:
• Your child will be taught phonics daily using The Essential Letters and Sounds scheme.
• In Reception, your child will read every day within lessons in school as part of our pledge to support your child to read. Furthermore, your child will receive a book on a weekly basis based on their reading ability and will read to an adult in school at least once a week to consolidate and progress their skills. Please do not worry if they are on the same book for a while – repetition is key to learning new sounds and words.
• We ask that parents read with your child 3 times week for at least 10 minutes to support their reading journey and to document this in their reading record- this will be given to you at the start of the year.
Important Notices:
• Reception must arrive at school by 8:55am to start the day and the school day will end at 3:15pm.
• Your child MUST bring in their reading book bags containing their books and reading records EVERYDAY.
• We do provide fruit at breaks time but if you wish, your child can bring in their own snack. However, you can only bring in healthy snacks such as fruits, breadsticks, carrots and cheese etc. Any sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks etc, will be not allowed in school.
• We have PE every Thursday and Friday so we ask that your children come to school in their PE kit on these days.
• Library will be on a Tuesday so please send in your child’s library book to swap on this day. They won’t be able to take a new book until their current one is returned. If you have lost their book, please see Carrie.
• Please provide your child with a name labelled water bottle for use through the day.
• Please label jumpers, cardigans, coats, hats, gloves (EVERYTHING) clearly with your child’s name to avoid them getting lost or mistakenly taken.
• If you wish for your child to have milk during break times then please contact the office.
• If you wish for your child to attend breakfast/afterschool club/ enrichment clubs then please contact the office.
Learning Journeys:
Your child will have a Class Dojo account that we will use to share a snapshot of their work in class. A letter will follow to explain how to access this resource.
• Your child will be sent home a Literacy and Mathematics task each Friday for their homework. You can return it any time up to the following Thursday.
• This work will be linked to our learning for the week. It might be from our phonics programme, learning tricky / common words, the number system, number patterns, or stories.
If there is information you need, a concern you may have or good news you would like to share, please contact Miss Liptrot.
Finally, we are looking forward to having a wonderful year filled with memories, friendships and adventures with a great class!
Here is a ist of useful websites which your child might enjoy
Letters and Sounds
On Youtube:
Little Learners
Read with phonics
Twinkl Educational Publishing
Files to Download
Reception: Calendar items
Class Assembly, by Ms Hetherington
Musical Celebration trip, by Ms Hetherington
Z-Arts trip, by Ms Hetherington