Year 5 2024 - 2025

Do you want to see more of what we are doing in our class and in school.  Have a look at our facebook and Instagram pages!

Welcome to Year 5 and welcome back to school.

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for being so welcoming to me. I have managed to speak to some of you already but if I haven’t, please feel free to come and say hello in the morning or at the end of the day. As you are aware, I am new to the Our Lady’s family but have been part of the Federation at Holy Name for 8 years prior to coming to Our Lady’s. I am very excited about the New Year ahead and looking forward to us having a happy, productive and fun school year. We are very lucky to be having Ms Asia, Miss McGlinchey and Mr Williams working with us throughout the year. Year 5 is a fun, action packed year with lots of exciting opportunities for the children including a trip to Jodrell Bank in the Spring Term and our residential in the Summer Term.

In the year ahead, we have lots of exciting English, Maths, Science and new topics that we will be covering this year. Some of the topics we will cover are; Black History with a focus on Role Models, comparing the Maya Civilisation to the Anglo-Saxons, exploring what life was like during Tudor England, what life was like in the Alps and looking at what the Greeks did for us. These topics are linked with our literacy topics so the children have a real opportunity to immerse themselves in the vocabulary. The children have already shown an incredible interest in topic and I would encourage parents to send in any books or resources from home that you may have related to our topics.

As a Catholic school Religious Education is very much at the centre of our curriculum and the children will be learning about lots of different aspects of Religion and other faiths – through the Come and See programme.

All pupils will have been provided with a reading book and reading diary. Please do try to read with your children at home and fill it in their reading record when
you do so. Homework will be set on a Friday and should be returned on a Wednesday. It would be fantastic if parents would support us at school by encouraging children to do their homework and bring it back into school. This is an excellent way for you to engage with your child and speak to them about what they are doing at school. I am often asked by parents about ‘extra homework’, please be assured that children are set a reasonable amount of homework and will not be given homework during the school holidays. However, if you wanted to do extra work at home please encourage your child to go on TT Rockstars (logins are in their reading records) do some extra reading or practice spelling words from the Year 5/6 spelling list which was sent home at the beginning on the year.

It is important that you come to school on our PE days dressed in your full PE kit. This should be a plain white t-shirt, black or navy shorts/joggers and your Holy Name school jumper. Please do not send children in any other types of clothing or football kits. PE in the Autumn Term will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday and we are delighted to be welcoming CITC and their coaches into school to support with this.

Parents, please read all communications sent home so that you are aware of any events and exciting things going on in school throughout the school year. Don’t forget to mark those dates on your calendar. Studies show that parental involvement in a child’s education is one of the strongest indicators of student achievement. We hope you will make it a priority this year to attend as many school-sponsored events as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t ever hesitate to contact me.

Our blog page


Computer Circus
Mewan - Primary Place
Water Safety
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
BBC Skillswise - Numbers
BBC Skillswise - Words
BBC Schools - Primary
BBC Bitesize (KS2)
Woodlands Junior School Resources
Primary Games
Count on
Visual Fractions
Primary Homework Help
Snaith Primary School
Primary Safe Search


Files to Download

Year 5: Calendar items

Class Assembly, by Ms Hetherington

Parents Evening, by Ms Hetherington

KS2 Christmas Performanace, by Ms Hetherington

Get in touch

Our Lady's RC Primary School

Whalley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8AW

Head of School Anna Ward and Executive Head Catherine Gordon

0161 226

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