Year 5 2023 - 2024

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We hope you have had an enjoyable summer and we are looking forward to getting to know you throughout this academic year. 

It is a pleasure to introduce myself as your child's new teacher this year. You will also be supported by Miss McGhie, someone who I am sure you are familiar with already from your time in Year 4. You will also have Mr Edmondson for computing as well as specialist coaches for some PE lessons.

Miss McGhie and I are sure this year will be a great one. It will be full of hard work, enthusiasm, fun and friendships. We have an exciting year planned and we cannot wait to get started.

Reading in Y5

Children will read daily in school. This may be in the form of independent reading, guided/group reading or reading as a class. To support your child’s reading progression, please continue to read with them at home on a daily basis where possible. Your child will be provided with a reading record. Please continue to fill this out as necessary. As a guide, your child should aim to read one book at home per week.  

Children will be given opportunity on a Wednesday morning to change their library book.

Spellings in Y5

Children in Y5 will be given a list of spellings every week. These are taken from the Y5/6 statutory spelling list. It is important that your child learns both how to spell these words and also the meanings of them at home. In school, we will support this process with a range of activities including how the words can be used in a coherent sentence.

The spellings will be handed out on a Monday, ready for the spelling test which will take place on a Friday.

Homework in Y5

Each child will be given two pieces of homework per week. There will be a piece of English homework and a piece of maths homework. This will be handed out on Fridays and the tasks explained. This will give your child the opportunity to ask any questions they may have about the work set.

Homework should be placed into the homework tray by Wednesday. If your child is finding a piece of work difficult, it is up to them to speak to myself or Miss McGhie before this point so we have time to help and support them.


In Year 5, children will have two PE lessons a week. These PE lessons will take place on Tuesday and Thursday. Children must wear a full PE kit on both these days including appropriate footwear.

Below is a list of reminders for a usual week-

Monday - (Read) Spellings list given.

Tuesday - (Read) Children wear PE kit.

 Wednesday - (Read) English and maths homework to be handed in.

Thursday – (Read) Children wear PE kit.

Friday – (Read) Spelling test. Maths and English homework given out. 


If you require any more information, a concern you may have or any great news to celebrate please contact Mr Moore. We are looking forward to a great year and hope your child has an enjoyable year in Y5!

These websites will help us with our work throughout the year.

Computer Circus
Mewan - Primary Place
Water Safety
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
BBC Skillswise - Numbers
BBC Skillswise - Words
BBC Schools - Primary
BBC Bitesize (KS2)
Woodlands Junior School Resources
Primary Games
Count on
Visual Fractions
Primary Homework Help
Snaith Primary School
Primary Safe Search


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Get in touch

Our Lady's RC Primary School

Whalley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8AW

Head of School Anna Ward and Executive Head Catherine Gordon

0161 226

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