At Our Lady’s RC Primary School, Relationships, Sex and Health Education is an embedded part of our broad and balanced curriculum. The Statutory requirement for implementing RSHE has been delayed until the summer of 2021 due the COVID 19 Pandemic.

As a Catholic school, our mission is to support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all of our pupils, rooted in the wisdom and teaching of the Church. The education of children in human sexuality is an important, precious and privileged responsibility. The Church teaches us that this is very much a partnership with parents, in which parents are the ‘first educators’ of their children on these matters; ultimately, you confer on us the right to co-educate your children with you.

We have researched various programmes that are available and have decided to adopt Life to the Full by Ten Ten Resources. Ten Ten is an award-winning Catholic educational organisation that is well-respected and very experienced in this field of work.

Life to the Full has been approved by our diocese (Salford). Furthermore, Ten Ten have entered into a partnership with the Catholic Education Service and the Department for Education to provide training for teachers in Catholic schools on the subject of the new statutory curriculum. Therefore, we are confident that this programme is a very good fit for our school.


The Department for Education produced statutory guidance on the teaching of Relationships and Health Education (RHE) within the PSHE curriculum. This stated:

  • Children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive
  • The subjects should put in place the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including
  • Teaching should foster pupil wellbeing and develop resilience and character, fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive members of
  • Pupils should believe that they can achieve goals, both academic and personal and to recover from knocks and challenging periods in their lives.
  • Pupils should develop personal attributes including kindness, integrity, generosity, and
  • Teaching should help young people to become successful and happy adults, who make a meaningful contribution to


When teaching RSHE at Our Lady’s, we intend to provide a curriculum which is accessible to all through high-quality, age appropriate teaching. Children will be taught how to stay healthy, how to stay safe on and off-line, how to manage risks safely, how to manage their emotions and to understand and develop safe and healthy relationships both now and in their future lives. Pupils will be taught how to make informed decisions in their lives, enabling them to become confident, healthy, independent and responsible members of a society.

Our Intent is to:


Educate our children in human sexuality; that it is an important, precious and privileged responsibility, and build a RSHE curriculum which develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which enables children to access the wider curriculum and to prepare children to be a global citizen now and in their future roles within a global community.


  • Children are taught during weekly ½ hour timetabled RSHE
  • Teaching is taken from a long term plan, which sets out the units to be covered by each year group, each half
  • Long-term planning has been developed around the ‘Ten Ten: Life to the Full’, a scheme for use in Catholic schools, which aims to develop the Catholic ethos, encouraging children to treat others like Jesus It also helps pupils develop a deeper

relationship with Jesus, which enables them to understand God’s plan and live life to the full.

  • Half- termly units ensure coverage of the three core learning themes in RSHE: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world and also incorporates the RSHE primary school
  • Our School Curriculum Intent Drivers are used to drive the PSHE Curriculum and are embedded

We want our children to be: Happy

Ambitious Confident

A good Citizen Try new things Resilient Curious


Through the teaching of RSHE, we will strive for our children to be:

Aspirational: Children are given the self-esteem and self-confidence to aspire to be whatever they want to be.

Enjoy a Healthy Lifestyle: Children are taught self-care techniques – the importance of rest, sleep, hobbies, spending time with family and friends, as well as the importance of eating healthy meals, having regular exercise and preparing for puberty, helping them achieve a healthier lifestyle.

Strong Communication: Children are taught how to recognise and talk about their emotions and feelings.

Develop a sense of Community: teaching children to respect themselves and others now should enable them to be successful, happy adults, who will make a meaningful contribution to their community.

Have a Knowledge of the World:

  • Children learn through a variety of activities, rather than just working in books- for example watching age-appropriate video clips (and the discussions concerning these), circle time, discussions, acting out scenarios, role-play, sorting activities and
  • Teachers use precise questioning in class to ensure all children are involved in learning and
  • Ground rules used at the beginning of each lesson, ensure children enjoy the lessons, feel safe in discussions and will not be made fun of by other members of the
  • Differentiation is achieved through different questioning, different versions of an activity and through different levels of
  • Assessment is used to ensure that we are providing excellent provision for every child. Children are assessed at the beginning and end of each unit to enable teachers to see how much each pupil has learned. Both Discussion, participation and written activities will be used for assessment purposes, which is recorded on half-termly unit markers. Assessment details are provided on the TEN TEN Resource Bank and will be overseen by the RSHE Lead
  • Teachers help children develop resilience and the self-confidence that they are capable of achieving good outcomes. They do this through positive role-modelling, praise, encouragement, good quality first teaching and through teaching strategies showing how to deal with certain
  • Parents have been informed of both the changes to and the content of the RHE programme of work through an on-line parental consultation and have been given the opportunity to Further support and clarification will be given if required.


The impact our curriculum has on our children:

Pupils will develop the knowledge and skills to enable them to become confident, healthy, happy, successful individuals and productive members of society.

Pupils will have the confidence, resilience and self-esteem needed to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.

In developing confidence and resilience, the children should have higher aspirations and also be better prepared to learn and achieve well in all subjects of the wider curriculum.

They will develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community.

By developing relationships and empathy for others, pupils will have respect for both pupils and adults in school, reducing incidents of negative behaviour.

By understanding what makes a safe and healthy relationship, children will

know how to assess and deal with people they meet both off and on-line

preventing them from being put in high-risk situations.

Through learning how to be healthy, pupils should develop a healthier lifestyle, resulting in a lower percentage of children, leaving school as overweight at year 6.

Through learning how to be healthy, pupils should develop a healthier lifestyle, resulting in a higher capacity for learning and therefore achieving higher results.

By learning to respect themselves and others, as well as being taught some facts about conception and birth, children will be less likely to have a teenage pregnancy.

We will evidence this in the school by:

·         Wider Curriculum

All subjects have potential to make links with RSHE


·         Displays across school

RSHE, BV and SMSC displays throughout school reinforce the RSHE curriculum enabling children to make links.


·         Assemblies

Whole school, Key Stage and class assemblies always make a link to RSHE


  • Children will demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual respect, Rule of law and
  • Children will demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school – attendance will be in-line with national and behaviour will be
  • Children will achieve age related expectations across the wider
  • Children will become healthy and responsible members of society
  • Children will be on their journey preparing them for life and work in modern


Programme Content

Module 1

Created and Loved by God


Religious Understanding

 Me, My Body, My Health Emotional Well-Being Life Cycles

Module 2

Created to Love Others


Religious Understanding Personal Relationship

Keeping Safe

Module 3

Created to Live in Community


Religious Understanding Living in the Wider World


Within each learning stage, there are three modules which are based on the Model Catholic RSE Curriculum:


  • Created and Loved by God
  • Created to Love Others
  • Created to Live in Community


Each Module is then broken down into Units of Work.


Module 1

Created and Loved by God



Religious Understanding Me, My Body, My Health Emotional Well-Being

Life Cycles

Module 2

Created to Love Others



Religious Understanding Personal Relationship

Keeping Safe

Module 3

Created to Live in Community


Religious Understanding

Living in the Wider World


The programme adopts a spiral curriculum approach so that as your child goes through the programme year-after-year, the learning will develop and grow, with each stage building on the last.



Module One: Created and Loved by God

Module One: Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.

In these sessions, we explore:

Foundation Phase– that we are uniquely made by a loving God, that we have differences and similarities (including physical differences between boys and girls), key information about staying physically healthy, understanding feelings and emotions, including strong feelings such as anger, and the cycle of life from birth to old age.

Lower Key Stage Two – understanding differences, respecting our bodies, puberty and changing bodies (recommended for Year 4+), strategies to support emotional wellbeing including practicing thankfulness, and the development of pupils understanding of life before birth.

Upper Key Stage Two – appreciation of physical and emotional differences, a more complex understanding of physical changes in girl and boys bodies, body image, strong emotional feelings, the impact of the internet and social media on emotional well-being, a more nuanced and scientific understanding of life in the womb and how babies are made, and menstruation.


Module Two: Created to Love Others

Module Two: Created to Love others explores the individual’s relationship with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this unit explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing heathy relationships and keeping safe.

This religious understanding is then applied to real-world situations relevant to the age and stage of the children:

Foundation Phase– In the Unit ‘Personal Relationships’, children are taught to identify the Special People in their lives who they love and can trust, how to cope with various social situations and dilemmas, and the importance of saying sorry and forgiveness within relationships. In the Unit ‘Keeping Safe’, we explore the risks of being online by incorporating the ‘Smartie the Penguin’ resources from Childnet, the difference between good and bad secrets, and teaching on physical boundaries (incorporating the PANTS resource the NSPCC).

Lower Key Stage Two – The sessions here help children to develop a more complex appreciation of different family structures and there are activities and strategies to help them develop healthy relationships with family and friends; here, they are also taught simplified Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques for managing thoughts, feelings and actions.

Once again, for the ‘Keeping Safe’ unit, there are some excellent NSPCC resources, as well as teaching on bullying and abuse through a series of animated stories.

Upper Key Stage Two – The sessions for UKS2 in the ‘Personal Relationships’ module aim to equip children with strategies for more complex experiences of relationships and conflict; this includes sessions that help children to identify and understand how to respond to spoken and unspoken pressure, the concept of consent and some practical demonstrations of this, and further teaching on how our thoughts and feelings have an impact on how we act.


Module Three: Created to Live in Community

Finally, Module Three: Created to Live in Community explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good.

In the first Unit, Religious Understanding, the story sessions help children to develop a concept of the Trinity.  In subsequent sessions, we apply this religious understanding to real-world situations, such as the community we live in, and through exploring the work of charities which work for the Common Good.

Get in touch

Our Lady's RC Primary School

Whalley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8AW

Head of School Anna Ward and Executive Head Catherine Gordon

0161 226

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