Our blogs

Persian New Year ‘Nauryz’, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Poems about spring., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

St Joseph the patron of workers., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

"The Hungry Caterpillar'., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Interactive maths lesson, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Hot cross buns, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Science experiment., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Spring flowers, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Welcome back reception, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Mothers Day, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

The Smartest Giant, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Waking and shaking in Year 2., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

The shark with no teeth., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

More chocolate crispy cakes, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Digestive system💩, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Crispy cakes in year 1, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Make phonics and spelling fun., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

The Lighthouse Keeper Stories., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Five senses, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Tasty crispy cakes, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Sense of smell, by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Chocolate crispie cakes., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Learning about the Romans., by Mrs Wajs-Johnson

Get in touch

Our Lady's RC Primary School

Whalley Road, Whalley Range, Manchester, M16 8AW

Head of School Anna Ward and Executive Head Catherine Gordon

0161 226 2767admin@ourladys-pri.manchester.sch.uk

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